Polyester Dryer Fabric

Polyester Dryer Fabric

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波多诺伏 (贝宁) - 瓦杜兹 (列支敦士登)波多诺伏 (贝宁) - 波德戈里察 (黑山)
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波多诺伏 (贝宁) - 斯科普里 (马其顿)波多诺伏 (贝宁) - 雷克雅未克 (冰岛)

Polyester dryer fabric, constructed of monofilaments, is designed for solid or liquid separation, sludge dewatering, most of all, paper drying at an exacting high temperature. Normally, this fabric will carry the paper sheet to travel around a large-diameter heated cylinder for appropriate water evaporation. To make sure the fabric will hold the paper sheet firmly, it should be rugged enough with excellent heat resistance. And we are proud to say that our range of polyester dryer fabric is exactly what you need in the dryer section.


Quality material makes this fabric strong enough to minimize damages.
High dimensional stability ensures it never distorts and deforms.
Designed for both drying efficiency and runnability.
Withstand all heat and humidity conditions in the dryer section.
Superb hydrolysis resistance allows it to be used in hydrolysis sensitive positions.
Great resistance to a variety of chemicals such as acids and organic solvents.
Good seamless structure with excellent elongation resistance.
Medium to high air permeability improves heat transfer efficiently.
Applicable in most positions in paper machines.
Non-toxic material ensures the safety for food processing.
Easy to install and clean.
Spiral polyester dryer fabric
Specially designed spiral structure allows for rapid drainage, superb distortion resistance and eliminates the needs for conventional seams compared with the woven polyester dryer fabric. Meanwhile, it allows the filtered cakes to be removed quickly. According to your requirements, spiral polyester dryer fabric can be fabricated with round yarns or flat yarns.

Normally, the round one is ideal for paper drying, screen printing and dyeing. With a long service life, it is easy to be joined together and suitable for coaling washing machine and various horizontal filters. In contrast, the flat yarn spiral dryer is recommended to be used in high speed paper drying machines owing to its smoother surface, better wear resistance, later contacting area, most of all, improved paper drying performance.

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Polyester Dryer FabricPolyester Dryer Fabric